Upgrade your adhesive dentistry : the Secrets of Isolation

29 kovo, 2024 @ 09:00 18:00

“Probably no other technique or instrument used in dentistry is so universally accepted and advocated by the recognised authorities and so universally ignored by the practicing dentist ” (Ireland L. The rubberdam: Its advantages and applications. Texas Dent J 1962; 80: 6-15)

Since its introduction in 1864 the presumed use of rubberdam in multiple dental procedures has increased. Nevertheless, in daily practice the use is not so widely spread as one would expect. Many reasons or excuses are being given not to use this simple means of isolation. The idea is simple, the practical execution is another story. Especially knowing that the use of rubberdam implies that we, as dental professionals, plan our work efficiently and that we are able to communicate well with our patients.

It is without any doubt that during endodontic procedures and during adhesive procedures the use of rubberdam is mandatory.

This course tells us also what is possible if we ask ourselves the question : what if…

High quality dentistry begins at the base of the pyramid. Join us for an exceptional experience where the foundation of quality treatment is learned in a fun and interactive way.

Learning Objectives

 –  know the criteria for the right materials to use

 –  develop an use the strategy to predictably isolate the operation field, even in difficult situations – master the techniques to isolate

 –  develop a creative mind to come up with new solutions if needed


09h00 – 12h30: Lecture – Key to the success! During the masterclass, numerous clinical examples will demonstrate the participants how every isolation challenge can be addressed and categorized into one of the 4 main configurations. Step by step procedures teach the techniques. Tips and tricks are demonstrated in relation to restorative procedures!

12h30 – 14h00: Lunch

14h00 – 15h00: Live demo on Phantom head

15h00 – 15h30: Coffee break

15h30 – 18h00: Hands on session – During the hands-on all the procedures are practiced on phantom heads. Special isolations and combinations are also practiced. At the end of the hands-on there will be a competition and participants will challenge each other in “ The Fast and the Furious” for the fastest isolation.


UZE academy

Drobės g. 62
Kaunas, 45181 Lietuva
+ Google žemėlapis
+370 621 77700


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